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WordPress, Yīn & Yáng, and the deal with Indian developers: In conversation with Ram Shengale

Tags: Design Theory, Interview

Type in any one of these keywords into Google; UI/UX, web-dev, CSS, WordPress development, and you’ll come across an array of resources to help you on your web-based project. However, you’ll also encounter a ton of information that might confuse you, from how to choose a developer to what format to deliver your files in. …

WordPress, Yīn & Yáng, and the deal with Indian developers: In conversation with Ram Shengale Read More »

The case against personal branding for designers

Tags: Design Theory

My case against personal branding for designers lies in the belief that your work should largely speak for itself, and that you should allow yourself the flexibility to work on different things that might not necessarily make sense together in a portfolio.

Salut, salut!

Tags: General

A few years ago, I decided to shut down my blog (previously The blog was home to a myriad of topics, from fashion to visual culture and music. At the time, I was thick in my Master programme and had become overwhelmed with the various issues that were happening in my personal and professional life. …

Salut, salut! Read More »

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